Test Automation

Sodality understands testing challenges. We have developed a methodology that simplifies the overall process and automation asset management process. We use a framework driven approach to ensure that you get the most out of your automation investment.

In many organizations, software testing remains a cumbersome, manual, error-prone process that results in extended testing cycles. This causes delays in application releases, and often results in software that fails to meet quality standards. Test automation helps minimize that risk and ensures quality, while dramatically speeding time-to-market. Automation can improve test coverage and yield higher quality products. It can potentially save thousands of test execution hours and provide significant cost savings. However, some organizations continue to face challenges in realizing the full potential of their acquired test automation tools. The complexity of automation technologies and the lack of in-house expertise needed to implement and manage these powerful automation tools are key reasons why. This often results in poor automation practices and frustrated resources. Test engineers end up spending too much time doing script maintenance and fixing automation assets, rather than actually executing scripts and realizing the ROI of test automation.

Sodality understands these challenges. We have developed an automation methodology that simplifies the overall automation and automation asset management process. We use a framework driven approach to ensure that you get the most out of your automation investment. This framework based automation approach is built on three key principles – Reusability, Maintainability and Expandability. Using a software development approach to automation, we create reusable components to minimize redundancy. We design the framework for extreme script maintainability, thus minimizing time spent in updating scripts and other automation assets when application changes. We know every client’s environment is different. We follow a systematic approach that helps us understand every client’s specific testing needs. This allows us customize a solution that fits their environment. This structured approach has resulted in a high success rate in providing automation solutions that reduce time, costs and risks associated with deploying them within the Enterprise.

Our structured approach to automation is as illustrated below: [Test Automation Structured Approach.png]

Contact us now for a free assessment of your automation needs.

Do you know whether your mission-critical applications will meet the performance and scalability that your business requires? How do you decrease the risk of poor application performance or catastrophic failure when deploying a multi-user system? Is your application infrastructure optimized?

Performance issues in production can disrupt business, impair productivity and impact credibility. Hence, it is imperative to ensure that all applications are thoroughly testing before going live. However, with today’s complex applications that include multiple servers, network devices and distributed software components, it has become increasingly difficult to isolate, identify and fix the causes of failures. To effectively test these complex applications you need the right processes, expertise and technology.Making Sodality your performance testing partner is the fastest way to get a total solution to address all your performance testing requirements across the enterprise.

Sodality’s performance testing service is designed to help mitigate the risks of application failures and ensure performance in production. After more than a decade of performance testing experience we have developed sound processes and methodologies that help take the guess work out of performance testing and provide a disciplined approach that provides predictable outcomes. With this structured approach we have helped clients optimize their application infrastructures, thus ensuring the best possible end user experience for their applications. The goal of our performance service is to provide you the best practices and tools expertise to help you meet your application performance objectives at every stage of the software development lifecycle.

Our Methodology

Sodality’s methodology uses a structured approach to performance testing thus making it efficient and repeatable. The framework takes a proactive rather than a reactive approach – with emphasis on detailed system usage analysis and planning before actual test executions.[Performance Testing Methodology.png]

Methodology Highlight

End user usage analysis prior to any test execution to ensure real world simulation :

  • Consistent, predictable and repeatable Process
  • Application Agnostic, hence can be adopted to any environment
  • Provide communication and clear visibility in every stage of the testing process
  • Provide meaningful metrics analysis and reports
  • Leverage of industry standard best Practices
  • Flexibility to integrate methodology into any software development lifecycle approach
  • Credentials & Expertise
While most consulting firms have a Testing Practice as only a small part of their larger IT consulting business, Sodality differentiates itself by being a specialist in the Quality Management arena.

Contact us for a free assessment of your Performance testing needs.

Sodality service offerings provide a balanced approach to managing your IT enterprise. With a solid foundation in process, an organization can then leverage the efficiency of industry leading tools, and can invest in attracting, training and retaining the best talent in the marketplace.

We combine our knowledge of Functional and Performance Validation along with Optimization best practices to help our clients develop comprehensive strategies for successful product development and deployment. Our complete focus on quality management, coupled with a deep understanding of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) enables us to provide practical solutions that maximize testing efficiency and minimize the risks involved in building complex systems.

We understand that when integrating and implementing quality into a product or organization there is no one-solution-fits-all. Factors like the organizational structure, nature of business supported, available skill set, size of the company, and available tools are some of the factors that impact the software test strategy. Keeping that in mind, we tailor our QA and testing plans to fit the specific needs of each of our clients to ensure success.

  • Sound Processes
    • Methodology Assessments (PMO, PM, BA, QA)
    • Methodology design, Implementation & Support
    • Compliance Methodology Implementation
  • Useful Tools
    • Tool Assessment & Selection (PM, BA, QA)
    • Tool Implementation (Quality Center)
    • Process Enablement (Workflow Customization)
  • Skilled Workforce
    • Tool Training & Education (Quality Center)
    • Skills Assessment (PM, BA, QA)
    • Skills Based Education (PM, BA, QA)
    • Custom Curriculum Development (PMBOK, BABOK, CMMI)

Sodality understands it perfectly and customizes its offerings to suit the needs. We offer a wide range of services in each area of software testing. We chant quality, reliability, flexibility, and cost efficiency as our mantra.

Businesses across the globe have many software systems that are mission critical or even life affecting and none of them want errors in the systems. The professional testing of software therefore becomes critical and it forms the most important activity of any software style.

Each organization has its own unique requirements. Software systems ensure that businesses run smoothly, from airplanes landing safely to mechanical component in any machinery performing at its best to reliable banks transactions. Also, for being competitive and profitable in business, good testing is paramount. Competitive business across the globe, therefore, require testing solutions that reduce costs, accelerate testing cycles, ensure error-free codes, guarantee quicker payback, and optimize utilization of resources.

We believe that software testing not only reduces risk and establishes completeness, but also increase the control and improve customer satisfaction. By aligning the testing objectives with the business objectives and by increasing the effectiveness of testing, both can be delivered simultaneously.

Mobile is booming, and that's a good thing! But with multiple operating systems and thousands of mobile devices on the market, how can you be sure your app works everywhere, every time and for everyone?

Sodality brings you in-the-wild testing with real testers on real devices out in the real world to help you find the issues and defects your users are likely to encounter during everyday use.

Sodality specializes in helping you automate mobile testing across devices and operating systems. We can define all test cases from a business perspective while maintaining a technical interface with the device you want to test.

  • For real world success, test your app beyond the lab and in the wild, where your users live, work and play everyday.

  • Test your mobile app on actual devices under true real-life conditions. Don't rely on simulators or emulators.

  • Stay on top of quality issues with instant notification about problems, both in testing and in production.

  • With Sodality, mobile developers can expand testing coverage across all major mobile devices and operating systems. Our global community of QA professionals can help you with virtually any type of testing project, including:

  • Sodality provides in-the-wild testing solutions across the SDLC including functional, usability, security, localization and load.

Sodality makes it easy to test your web app in-the-wild across browsers, versions and devices to help you ensure your web experience works for your customers on the browsers and devices that matter to them.

These days, your web app is going to encounter more browsers than people a decade ago could have imagined - and your app has to deliver a high quality experience across all of them. Your site is sure to encounter the most recent browser versions, and browsers that haven’t been updated in years - not to mention add-ons and extensions. In the world of web, testing can be a challenge.

  • Test your web app with real users on real devices in-the-wild, where your users live, work and play.

  • Your testing results are available immediately in the Sodality platform as they are discovered.

  • With Sodality, you'll get actionable information that will help you improve your app's quality and make sure it's ready for the real world.

  • Sodality provides in-the-wild testing solutions across the SDLC including functional, usability, security, localization and load.

Desktop and laptop sales may be down, but they still have billions of users.

Those users expect their apps to work the first time and every time. With so many operating systems, platforms, languages and environments to validate, desktop app developers face a range of testing challenges when trying to bring their apps to market.

  • Test your app on real computers around the world with a variety of hardware configurations to understand how your app behaves outside of the firewall of your test lab and in the world of outdated software and third-party programs.

  • Does your app work as well on Windows XP as it does in Windows 8? Our testers have access to computers of all shapes, sizes and yes, operating systems, giving you confidence that your app always works the way you intended it to.

  • With the maturity of desktop apps, automation can be appealing. But the best testing strategies merge automated and manual testing. Bringing live testers and creative problem solvers into the mix helps you find more complex issues.

  • Sodality provides in-the-wild testing solutions across the SDLC including functional, usability, security, localization and load.

For finance and investment applications, security, updated information and timely communication are crucial. Any missteps can cost your customers money and put their personal information at risk.

At the end of the day, your app needs to stand up to real world conditions. Moving part of your testing out of the lab and into the wild is the best way to catch fringe use cases and keep issues that only show up in the real world from affecting your customers when it really counts.


To have a successful financial app, it’s critical to focus on these key factors that often trip up developers in this field.

  • Security, security, security. You app is transferring sensitive personal data. There is zero room for error.
  • Reliable push notifications are important with financial and investment apps. Seconds are precious in this industry.
  • Test for PII security when the app is multitasking or when other apps (which may not be up-to-date) are running on the device.
  • If the app has a geo-location feature, it’s vital to test it in-the-field in several locations.
  • With any apps that involve in-app calculations, these functions should be tested for functionality and localization.
  • Verify that connections work outside of staging environments.
  • Match the level of usability to your intended audience.
  • Sodality has dedicated Security Experts who can test your mobile, web or desktop app for common vulnerabilities, new attacks and potential data leaks before they hurt your customers and your reputation. These experts can look at your app before launch or after minor updates, whenever you have a need.

  • Whether you need testers who are members of certain banks, young adults trying to balance a tight budget or testers who have a deep understanding of investing, Sodality can build you a team with the exact people, devices and locations you need.

  • Trying to test your app on every device, OS, browser and version it’s going to encounter in the real world is impossible in-house. Sodality puts thousands of hardware/software combinations at your fingertips to ensure all your users have a consistent, delightful experience.

  • Testers will test your application using live connections, real credit cards, actual monetary transactions and personal information. This will help you verify that your app will work in the real-world, not just in staging and testing environments.